Marco Ranieri
Research & Project Management
Mother tongue
Understanding - Listening: 1
Understanding - Reading: 1
Speaking: 1
Writing: 1
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
Understanding - Listening: 1
Understanding - Reading: 1
Speaking: 4
Writing: 5
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
• University of Bucharest (Romania)
• Course of Romanian Language and Culture
• September 2001
• Main subjects:
Course of Romanian language and culture in the framework of the European
Union "Erasmus Intensive Language Courses" scheme.
Final mark 10/10
I lived in Romania for two years
Understanding - Listening: 1
Understanding - Reading: 1
Speaking: 4
Writing: 5
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
Understanding - Listening: 3
Understanding - Reading: 3
Speaking: 4
Writing: 5
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
• ManPower Italy
• Course of Spanish Language
• September 2004
• Main subjects:
Basic linguistics, phonetics, vocabulary, listening, conversation
Understanding - Listening: 3
Understanding - Reading: 3
Speaking: 4
Writing: 5
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
• ManPower Italy
• Course of French Language
• October 2004
• Main subjects:
Basic linguistics, phonetics, vocabulary, listening, conversation
I live in Brussels since 2011
Understanding - Listening: 5
Understanding - Reading: 5
Speaking: 5
Writing: 5
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
• University
of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski" (Bulgaria)
• Course of Bulgarian Language and Culture
• July-August 2007
• Main subjects:
I won a scholarship, awarded by the Bulgarian Government
and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for a Course of Bulgarian
language and culture
I lived in Bulgaria for two years
Understanding - Listening: 5
Understanding - Reading: 5
Speaking: 5
Writing: 5
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
• University of
Skopje "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" (Macedonia)
• Course of Macedonian Language and Culture
• August 2006
• Main subjects:
I won a scholarship, awarded by the Macedonian Government
and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for a Course of Macedonian
language and culture
Understanding - Listening: 5
Understanding - Reading: 5
Speaking: 5
Writing: 5
On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
• Bildungshaus Zeppelin (Goslar, Germany)
• Course of German Language and Culture
• August 2000
• Main subjects:
Basic linguistics, phonetics, vocabulary, listening, conversation
ICT skills
MS Windows OS
MS Office suite
Internet research tools, web 2.0, use of social networks for marketing, dissemination, partners search and networking
design (Dreamweaver)
Content Management System (WordPress, Joomla)
Document and content management systems (MS SharePoint, Alfresco)
Statistical analysis SPSS software package
MS Project
Graphics software
Prezi presentation software
Since 2004 I have the "European Computer Driving Licence" (ECDL Start)
• Web designer (Janaury 2006, Sinergye Italia)
• ECDL (October 2004, ELEA)
• Basic Informatics (October 2004, ELEA)