Marco Ranieri
Research & Project Management
September 2012 - ongoing
• Secretary to the Unit at European Commission
DG Development and Cooperation - EuropeAid - Geographical Coordination Neighbourhood East (Eastern Partnership) Unit
• Duty station: Brussels (Belgium)
• Main duties:
General administrative support;
Document management;
Internal communication within the Directorate-General;
Organisation of meetings;
IT and logistics Support
September 2011 - August 2012
• Project Officer at the European Students' Union (ESU)
• Duty station: Brussels (Belgium)
• Main duties:
Project Officer for the following projects:
- Student Advancement of Graduates Employability > SAGE (ESU is the leading partner) - EU Lifelong Learning Programme
- Financing the Students' Future > FINST (ESU is the leading partner) - EU Lifelong Learning Programme
- Quest for Quality for Students > QUEST (ESU is the leading partner) - EU Lifelong Learning Programme
- Children as Change Agents in the Science and Society Relationship > SiS Catalyst (ESU is consortium partner) - EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
- Sharing Practice in Enhancing and Assuring Quality > SPEAQ (ESU is consortium partner) - EU Lifelong Learning Programme
- Mapping the Implementation and Application of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area > MAP-ESG (ESU is consortium partner) - EU Lifelong Learning Programme
- Use of ICT in Music Teaching and Production > NetSounds (ESU is consortium partner) - EU Lifelong Learning Programme
April 2011 - July 2011
EU Policy and Funding Officer at the European Centre for Research in Asia, Africa and Latin America
• Duty station: Brussels (Belgium)
• Main duties:
Policy monitoring, research and project management in the field of European Union funds for research and higher education (Seventh framework programme for research and technological development – FP7, European neighbourhood and partnership instrument - ENPI, other EU programmes). Policy monitoring and research in the field of ICT, Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials
and new Production Technologies
October 2010 - February 2011
Freelance contributor to economic publications of the University
of Bologna (Italy)
• Duty station: Telecommuting
• Main duties:
Economic and political research with focus on South-Eastern Europe
July 2010
• Lecturer and Judge for the “Youth
Innovation Competition on Global Governance-YICGG 2010” on
“Globalization, Localization and Global Governance" organized
by Fudan
University Shanghai, China
• Duty station: Shanghai (China)
• Main duties:
I gave the lecture "Global Factors – Local Development: Regional Development in the European Union". I supervised the students in their research activity and evaluated their final papers
October 2009 - June 2010
Visiting Researcher at Dialogue
Europe Research Centre, University
of Sofia "St. Kliment Ohridski"
• Duty station: Sofia (Bulgaria)
• Main duties:
I conducted the research "Regional Development in the European Union. The case of Bulgaria". I analysed the role that EU structural funds, foreign direct investment, remittances from abroad and other socio-economic factors have in regional development in Bulgaria
January 2009 - December 2009
Project Officer at United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs - United
Nations Fellowship Programme
• Duty station: Office
for Development Cooperation of the Italian
Embassy in Tirana (Albania)
• Main duties:
Conducting research, studies and analyses on the macroeconomic
situation of Albania, private sector development, energy and water
supply sectors, EU-Albania relationships and other.
I worked also on several topics related to development aid
effectiveness (e.g. “EU Fast Track Initiative on Division
of Labour”, Capacity Development, Millennium Development
Goals, Accra Agenda for Action, etc.).
I prepared supporting administrative documents and Terms
of Reference for several missions of Italian senior experts.
I participated in conferences and meetings with Albanian,
Italian and international stakeholders (Institutions, Non Governmental
Organizations, etc.) and contributed to the preparation of the
international Conference “The European Union Instrument
for Pre-Accession Assistance and the Italian Development Cooperation
in Albania”, held in Tirana on May 26-27
October 2008 - November 2008
• Trainee in the Communication & Networking Unit at EMA
- European Union Medicines Agency
• Duty station: London (UK)
• Main duties:
Support in dealing with internal and external communication of
the Agency;
Editing of the CD Rom for the “EMEA-EGA Info Day 2008”;
Drafting of WIN (Work Instructions) for “Requests to Access
to Information”;
Updating the EMEA transparency internal web pages on “Access
to Information” and “Access to Documents”;
Proofreading of the Italian version of the Summary of the Thirteenth
Annual Report of the EMEA.
During my traineeship I attended the following training courses:
EDMS - Electronic Document Management System; Project Management
December 2005 - September 2008
Researcher and Coordinator at CIRPET
Research Centre - Department
of Economics, University
of Turin (Italy)
• Duty station: Turin (Italy) and field research in the
Balkan countries
• Main duties:
Research on economic development and investment opportunities
in a number of transition countries (including field research
in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Macedonia).
Project manager for the projects "Observatory
on Caucasus" and "Observatory
on Central Asia". As research centre’s coordinator,
I carried out also clerical duties and supervised many students
in writing their graduation thesis. Since 2007 I am
Member of the CIRPET Assembly
September 2008
• Tutor for the Course “Economic Transition, Enlargement Processes
and Globalization” of the XIV CEI Summer School "Beyond
the Enlargement. The Wider Europe and the New Neighbourhood",
organized by the Institute
for Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe of the University
of Bologna (Italy)
• Duty station: Cervia (Italy)
• Main duties:
I coordinated and supervised all the lectures and activities
for 23 students coming from all over Europe. I corrected
the students’ final papers
May 2008 - August 2008
Supervisor and Lecturer at University
of Rome "Tor Vergata" (Italy)
• Duty station: Rome (Italy) and e-researching activity
• Main duties:
E-researching activity and supervision for young researchers for
the “Youth
Innovation Competition on Global Governance-YICGG 2008” on
“Global Governance: Growth and Innovation 2020" organized
by UNDP China, Fudan
University Shanghai, Rome
Tor Vergata University, Politecnico
of Turin.
I gave lectures on "FDI in the Western Balkans"
and "Economic relations between Italy and China"
November 2007 - June 2008
• European
Union Comenius Programme Assistant at High School "Vasil
Levski" (Yambol, Bulgaria)
• Duty station: Yambol (Bulgaria)
• Main duties:
I taught Italian language and culture, informed the students
about the European Union and its programmes for young people and
cultivated the notion of European citizenship. I studied
Bulgarian language
September 2007
Tutor for the Course “Economic Transition, Enlargement Processes
and Globalization” of the XIII CEI Summer School "Beyond
the Enlargement. The Wider Europe and the New Neighbourhood",
organized by the Institute
for Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe of the University
of Bologna (Italy)
• Duty station: Cervia (Italy)
• Main duties:
I gave a lecture on “Foreign direct investment in
the Western Balkans” and I coordinated and supervised
all the lectures and activities for 23 students coming from the
Balkans states, Ukraine and Russia. I corrected the
students’ final papers
February 2006 - March 2006
Events Assistant at USOC - United States
Olympic Committee
• Duty station: Turin (Italy)
• Main duties:
Event services connected with the XX Winter Olympic Games: access
control, assistance and information for visitors and media
June 2005 - October 2005
EU Funding and Policy Assistant at Eurecna
• Duty station: Bucharest (Romania)
• Main duties:
Project “Follow-up Technical Assistance for the Small and
Medium Sized Enterprise Sector” for the Romanian
Agency for SMEs and Cooperatives – European
Union Phare Programme.
I prepared background documents on several policy issues
that were relevant to Romania at that time. In particular, I
explored topics related to enterprise development policies (Small
and Medium Enterprises). I drafted project proposals
for international organizations’ tenders for several countries,
including Bosnia Herzegovina, Moldova and Jordan
November 2003 - August 2004
Researcher at CIRPET
Research Centre - Department
of Economics, University
of Turin (Italy)
• Duty station: Turin (Italy) and field research
• Main duties:
Research on economic development and investment opportunities
in the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries (including
field research in Romania and Bulgaria) and researches on
the internationalisation of Italian companies and industrial districts
January 2004 - March 2004
• Policy Assistant at Chamber
of Commerce and Industry of Romania
• Duty station: Bucharest (Romania)
• Main duties:
Collecting data and information, meetings and interviews with
Italian investors in Romania and Italian and Romanian agents of
private and public bodies, working in the economic and political
July 2002
Radio Speaker at Radio
Romania International
• Duty station: Bucharest (Romania)
• Main duties:
Reading texts for the Italian language course
October 2001 - June 2002
Assistant to the professor of the Italian language course, Faculty
of Political Science, University
of Bucharest
• Duty station: Bucharest (Romania)
• Main duties:
Reading and correction of texts translated from Romanian to Italian
Lectures, Conferences, Interviews
Chairman of the session “Croatian Economy: Evolution, Transformation and anti-crisis measures” at the International Seminar “Croatia: a Mediterranean Bridge” and speaker with the presentation “The external dimension of the Croatian economy: Foreign Direct Investments, trade and business opportunities” organized by the Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo, Seville, Spain (8-9 February 2011)
Interview for the online magazine "Servizio Civile" about my website regarding working and studying opportunities abroad for young people (15 November 2010) - In Italian
Lecturer for the Course “Economic Transition, Enlargement Processes
and Globalization” of the XVI CEI Summer School "Beyond
the Enlargement. The Wider Europe and the New Neighbourhood",
organized by the Institute
for Central, Eastern and Balkan Europe of the University
of Bologna (Italy).
The Summer School has been organized in the framework of the TAIEX, the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument managed by the Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission Cervia (8 September 2010)
Speaker at the EU TEMPUS International Conference in Management and Finance (ICMF2009), University of Tirana, Albania (12-13 March 2009)
Interview for the newspaper "Il Foglio" about Central Asia (5 July 2008) - In Italian
Speaker at the Annual Meeting of ASIAC (Italian Association for the Study of Caucasus and Central Asia) (27-28 June 2008)
Speaker at a meeting on rural development in Romania at Sermig NGO (17 June 2008)
Interview for the University newspaper "Futura" about countries in transition (March 2008) - In Italian
Speaker at the Conference "Economic relations between Italy and the former Yugoslavia", Turin Chamber of Commerce, Italy (28 February 2007)
Representative of CIRPET Research Centre at the Annual Meeting and Business Forum 2006 - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, London, United Kingdom (21-22 May 2006)
Speaker at the Conference "Development and Competitiveness in Emerging Countries", Turin Chamber of Commerce, Italy (4 March 2005)
Representative of CIRPET Research Centre at the "Expert Meeting on Good Governance for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises" - UNECE, Geneva, Switzerland (1-2 April 2004)